《傑出行銷創意54》" New York Public Library Insta Novels "


(The New York Public Library)

 推出「Insta Novels」小說

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紐約公共圖書館推出的「Insta Novels」專案,亦即把小說帶到Instagram,獲得了廣大的宣傳效果,該圖書館已成為國際媒體關注的話題,並且它的Instagram追隨者人數增加了15.5萬,約75%。

紐約公共圖書館推出的「Insta小說」有:《愛麗絲夢遊仙境(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)》、《黃色壁紙 (The Yellow Wallpaper)》、《變態(Metamorphosis)》、《聖誕節頌歌( A Christmas Carol)》和《烏鴉(Raven)》等。



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Image result for the new york public library insta novels

Image result for the new york public library insta novels

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Image result for the new york public library insta novels

Image result for the new york public library insta novels

Image result for the new york public library insta novels

Image result for the new york public library insta novels

(影片來源:YouTube、圖片來源:New York Public Library)


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